Persistent Innovation – Why it Works! Ask Babe Ruth…


Picture Credit: Pinterest

Oxford Journals published an article from Norwegian researchers including Koson Sapprasert at the Center for Technology, Innovation and Culture (TIK) suggesting that empirical evidence supports the virtue of “persistence of innovation.”  But the authors  elaborate proposing that “differences in innovation strategies across firms are an important driving force behind innovation persistence.” Empirical measures of five innovation strategies were identified by means of an inductive method: ad hoc, supplier based, market driven, R&D intensive and science based. The team sums up: – Firms pursuing the strategies “market driven,” “R&D intensive,” and “science based” were more likely to be persistent innovators. While playing Grand Tourismo on his Playstation last year, my son schooled me onthe Dragon“- “Come on, Dad, that’s the new Toyota FT-1!


Picture Credit: – Japanese dragons control “the rain, fire and the Earth” according to legend

A national character persists for innovation, according to empirical evidence.  Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Italy from the “Survey on Manufacturing Firms” conducted by Mediocredito-Capitalia (data from 1995-2003) were studied. Small and Lotti concluded “that international competition fosters R&D intensity, especially for high-tech firms. Firm size and R&D intensity, along with investment in equipment, enhances the likelihood of having both process and product innovation. Both these kinds of innovation have a positive impact on firm’s productivity, especially process innovation. ”

Many innovators in the U.S. are hoping for a reversal in the chronic underinvestment in capital investment during the next administration, particularly with the pledge to sharply reduce corporate taxation. IAI heard this analysis repeatedly yesterday from financial colleagues explaining the strong international investment market response to the outcome of the U.S. election.

European scholars at ISI Growth recently tested “if persistent innovators, defined according to different innovation activities (R&D, product and process innovation, patenting) grow more than other firms, and if innovation persistence can contribute to explain the so far little evidence in favor of persistence in growth itself.” In their study of 22 years of data (1990-2012) of Spanish manufacturing firms, the ISI authors saw no demonstration of persistent innovation (not like Spaniards IAI knows!)  TIK authors writing about the 8th European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (EU FP) Horizon 2020 suggest in Scientometrics that a clear success strategy can be pursued. – “the probability of succeeding is strengthened by prior participation as well as the scientific reputation of the applicant organization.” So being known and qualified are proven success factors,,,

Yes, indeed, persistence is a deliberate quality as Babe Ruth demonstrated over a long, productive 22 season career (as a Baltimore Oriole, a Red Sox and a New York Yankee). So IAI is going to explore constructive deliberate persistence in future blogs. W.E. MacMullen posited in 1976 that “creativity must involve the whole man – what he both senses and knows.” Fast Company offers a positive profile of “highly persistent people”:

1. An All-Consuming Vision

Persistent people have a goal or vision in mind that motivates and drives them. Their vision is deeply ingrained, and they focus on it constantly and with great emotion and energy. Reaching this goal becomes the focal point of their life and they devote a major portion of their energies and time toward reaching it.

2. A Burning Desire

Entrepreneur and motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said, “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” Repeated failures, dead ends, and periods when it seems like no progress is being made often come before any major breakthroughs happen. Persistent people have the inner energy and intensity to keep them motivated and going through these tough times.

3. Inner Confidence

People who overcome the odds and achieve greatly are often described as “marching to the beat of their own drummer.” They know what they want and are seldom swayed by the opinion of the masses. While that inner confidence gets challenged and shaken, it never gets destroyed and constantly acts as a source of courage and determination.

4. Highly Developed Habits

Rohn also once said, “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” Highly persistent people have come to rely upon their self-discipline and developing habits they can count on to continue down the path toward their eventual goals. They believe the results of the efforts they make today may not be seen for a long time, but they strongly believe that everything they do will count toward their outcome in the end.

5. Ability To Adjust And Adapt

Persistent people have the ability to adjust and adapt their action plan. They do not stubbornly persist in the face of evidence that their plan is not working, but look for better ways that will increase their chances of success. They are not tied into their ego and are quickly willing to admit when something is not working. As well, they are quick to adapt the ideas of others that have been shown to work well.

6. Commitment To Lifelong Learning

Persistent people realize that any goal worth reaching will take time, effort, and continuously learning new skills and thinking patterns. They welcome change and new ideas and continue looking for ways they can incorporate these into their lives. Ongoing learning is seen as part of a process through which the highly persistent continually expand the range of tools that they have to work with. Naturally curious, persistent types not only see learning as a way to reach their goals more quickly, but they also see self-development as a way of life (here’s a template!).

7. Role Models That Act As Guides And Mentors

While it may appear that highly persistent people act alone and don’t need anyone, most have a carefully chosen group of people they admire and emulate. These can be people who are actually involved in their lives as mentors/confidantes or they can be figures who they have read about and who have deeply impacted them. You will know who these people are since persistent people will often quote them.


Picture Credit: CW’s Hero “Arrow”

Want to Innovate? Find Your Role Model !



Here at IAI- we spend a lot of time investigating innovations AND the people/teams behind them. In this inspiring video, motivational speaker Tony Robbins urges aspiring entrepreneurs to learn, live well and honestly, take care of yourself and your friends and community, and find your role model(s). Did you know that Tony was homeless early on but decided to go to libraries so that he could learn about business and fill his brain with ideas that he shares freely today? Did you know he had stage fright but now cheer-leads entrepreneurs to focus on your audience and declares, “the secret to living is giving.”

 And Tony’s mentor was: Jim Rohn – founder of Adventures in Achievement.


Picture Credit: Flipboard

Tony highlights the youngest self-made woman to become a billionaire, Sara Blakely of Spanx, who started her business with $5,000 in savings. Forbe’s Kelly Caprino created a great series on Forbes called, “Entrepreneurial Women Rocking the World” in which Sara is profiled. Here’s a product evangelist – “Believe in your idea, trust your instincts, and don’t be afraid to fail. It took me two years from the time I had the idea for Spanx until the time I had a product in hand ready to sell into stores. I must have heard the word “no” a thousand times. If you believe in your idea 100%, don’t let anyone stop you! Not being afraid to fail is a key part of the success of Spanx.”

Here are the top 10 lessons I learned from Sara’s journey from fax machine saleswoman to entrepreneurial superstar:

1)      Fail Big – Sara’s beloved father followed Wayne Dyer’s guidance in teaching his children the power of failing big.  Each day, her father would ask – “So, what did you fail at today.” And if there were no failures, Dad would be disappointed.  Focusing on failing big  (which startup guru Tom Peters championed) allowed Sara to understand that failure is not an outcome, but involves a lack of trying — not stretching yourself far enough out of your comfort zone and attempting to be more than you were the day before.   Failing big was a good thing.

2)      Visualize it – Sara is a big fan of “visualizing” your big goal, in specific, concrete ways.  She saw herself clearly on the Oprah TV show 15 years before it happened.  She simply knew it would happen.  She’d see in her mind’s eye sitting on the couch with Oprah having an exciting conversation, and wondered, “What are we talking about?”  The rest was just “filling in the blanks” to get there.

3)      Don’t share your fragile idea with the world too soon.  Sara kept her idea of making a fabulous new undergarment for women under wraps for an entire year while working on developing the prototype.  Only after she was 100% committed to it and ready to launch, did she sit her friends down and explain her new direction.  Sara explains that ideas are vulnerable, fragile things.

4)      Don’t take no for an answer. Sara reached out to slews of manufacturers and lawyers to help her patent her idea and create a successful prototype.  In every conversation she had with potential manufacturers, she was asked three questions: 1) Who are you? 2) Who are you with? 3) and Who is backing you?  When the answers to these three questions remained, “Sara Blakely,” no one wanted to take a chance on her, until one manufacturer called her back and said “OK.”  Why? Because he had gone home and told his daughters about the idea, and they said, “It’s brilliant!”

5)      Hire people you like and trust (even if they don’t know a great deal about what you need them to do).  Sara hired a head of Product Development and a PR director who had been friends and supporters from the beginning.  Neither knew anything about the functional areas they were hired to oversee, but Sara trusted they’d be fabulous at their new roles, and they were.

6)      You don’t have to go in order. Sara’s passionate commitment to her new Spanx product was so fierce, she just tackled each task in the development and marketing journey as they came up, not necessarily in the best order for a smooth launch.  She landed a Neiman Marcus deal involving placement of the product in seven stores, before figuring out how to mass produce.

7)      You CAN figure it out you have the ability.  Sara knew absolutely nothing about women’s undergarments, patenting a new product, manufacturing, marketing, product development, website development, online commerce, and more.  But that didn’t stop her. She researched what she needed to, hired out what she couldn’t do, and marched forward with undying commitment and energy.

8)      You can build a billion dollar business starting with $5,000.  Sara had only $5,000 in savings on that fateful day when she cut the feet off of her stockings in order to wear them under her white pants for a more flattering look (and thus, realized the world needed a new undergarment product that would be comfortable yet flattering to the female form).

9)      Don’t worry about the outer “stuff” until the time is right. Sara worked tirelessly from her apartment creating her product, avoiding investing in outside office space or other marketing and business tools until the product had taken off.  Anything that wasn’t essential to building the product and getting the name out there simply wasn’t a priority.

10)   Breaking the mold is a good thing.  When Sara began to research undergarments for women and how they’d been made for the last 50 years, she was astonished.  From the absurd sizing protocols (only one average waist measure was used on all the products, regardless of the size of the garment), to how products were tested (on manikins not real people), Sara saw that the undergarment industry needed a female perspective – insights from a real woman wearing these items.

Sara is not afraid to be a rebel or thank her mom last Mother’s Day. But keep grounded, unlike James Dean in the iconic 1955 movie – “Rebel without a Cause“.

Reach out to your family and friends JUST BECAUSE!

#CallYourMom –

Sara, Alexandra and their moms Ellen & Elsa talk entrepreneurship, motherhood
and the sneaky things they got away with as kids (or so they thought!).

There are countless inspiring characters from peacemakers like Martin Luther King and Gandhi, intellects like Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin, sports heroes such as Lou Gehrig and David Ortiz (go Red Sox), etc. but find whomever inspires you !

Ideas About Innovation !

Ideas about Innovation is an initial effort to learn WordPress to discuss a topic about which we are passionate ! As an analytical shop, our orientation is to:

1) live in the world of ideas, invention, creation and discovery;

2) Tap into innate human creativity and appreciate the richness of diversity;

3) Focus on intrinsic motivation rather than biological or rewards-based motivators; and

4) Explore new innovations in Electronics, Aerospace, Health, Business Process, Household Management, Energy and Government-sponsored initiatives.


Picture credit: Rafel Olechowski

It would be a goal of IAI to turn this site into a useful tool for entrepreneurs and innovators to share ideas- a virtual digital community. For now, IAI will return to the challenge of trying to identify and share interesting content with the help of our research department, TriStar Research LLC.

10 Unforgettable Quotes by Jim Rohn

The late personal development legend’s words still ring true with his millions of fans.
September 16, 2014

When personal development legend Jim Rohn passed away in 2009, he left an incredible gift: his encouraging, uplifting messages and inspiring, thought-provoking quotes, beloved by millions and shared throughout the world to this day.

SUCCESS celebrates and remembers the life of Jim Rohn with 10 of his most beloved quotes:

1. “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.”

2. “The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.”

3. “We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.”

4. “Days are expensive. When you spend a day you have one less day to spend. So make sure you spend each one wisely.”

5. “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”

6. “If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.”

7. “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”

8. “Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.”

9. “Don’t join an easy crowd; you won’t grow. Go where the expectations and the demands to perform are high.”

10. “Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want.”